Abstract Regional inequality is one of the major subjects of research in theories of regional development, and is a major concern to governments. Jiangxi has been one of the most advanced provinces in history, but now it drops to the last level province in China. The industrialization level of Jiangxi has advanced rapidly. At the same time, the gap of economic development among the regions of Jiangxi widens now than 1990, and each region shows the different characteristics.
This study uses two stages as 1990-1995 and 1996-2001 to analyze the structure inequality of Jiangxi province. Generally speaking, the manufacturing and service industries grew much faster than agriculture. In spite of overall agriculture growth was positive; all regions except Pingxiang experienced a lower agricultural growth than the whole provincial GDP. Based on the results, we classify all regions in Jiangxi into four different development models.(1) The strongly growing model. This model includes Nanchang and Pingxiang that their GDP growth much higher than the average level and they were the most industrialized regions in Jiangxi.(2) The weakly growing model. This model includes Jingdezheng, Jiujiang and Xingyu that their advantages in manufacturing had decreased sharply and their service industry increased continuously.(3) The catching up model. This model includes Ganzhou, Yingtang and Fuzhou that they experienced rapid structural changes with fast growth in industry or service at the expense of agriculture.(4) The backward model. This model includes Shan grao, Ji'an and Yichun that the gap between these regions and the rest of Jiangxi was widening, and they became the last developing regions of Jiangxi.
The differentials in economic development of Jiangxi province are caused by the differentials in locations of regions. Shangrao, Ji'an and Yichun locate the margin of the affected zones by Shanghai, Guangzhou and Wuhan, their marginal locations will continue. Nanchang increasingly becomes the growth pole of Jiangxi with its centrality enhanced. Ganzhou and Fuzhou becomes the fastest developing regions along the outward passage way has been built. The locations of middle and north regions have been advanced by the construct of " Han triangle" as Wuhan, Changsha and Nancang.